
Be Generous

Romans 12:8 If it is to encourage, then give encouragement, if it’s giving then give generously; God didn’t say you had to be rich to give, He just said you had to be generous. It’s interesting what Jesus noticed. He noticed a widow who put two copper coins into the alms box and said she gave more than all the others because she had given her all.

Sometimes we excuse our hard heartedness by saying, “if the want money, let them go out and work for it like I did.” I agree, we must not reward laziness, but all around us are people who did nothing other then be born in the wrong place at the wrong time. Many of them don’t want a handout, they want a hand-up.

Today be sensitive to His voice when He speaks to you about ministering to others. For what you make happen for others He will make happen for you!

~ Pastor Turner