Spiritual Power

Weekly Word: April 24th, Acts

Acts – Power of the Spirit

There is power in being in unity or one accord ~

Acts 1:14 Tells us the apostles were to be in prayer, for just one purpose. For this reason, to seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They continued, persisted, and focused on that one goal together.

Therefore, as believers we must be of one Spirit and mind, focusing our thoughts and concentrating as intently as we can on the same purpose (His Kingdom). The apostles had one purpose in mind, to seek God for the promise of His Spirit and His presence! First and foremost so they could be His witnesses, having His likeness, and His Spirit in them bearing witness to our risen Lord.

I believe we should be focused on the fact that we need His presence and power of the Holy Spirit to be effective witnesses for the Lord in our world today.

~ Pastor Turner