Home Fellowships

Bury the Past

As we remember the birth of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, we also reflect on the reason he came. For our sin, sickness, diseases, to be set free and to be saved. As Christmas passes into the new year let’s make the Lord’s coming effective in our lives.

Romans 7:24 says “Who will rescue me from this body of Death?”

As Christmas passes into the new year let’s make the Lord’s coming effective in our lives. We close out this year 2017, by bury the past and looking forward to the new year!

Often mistakes we make weigh us down and capture our attention, making it almost impossible to move forward. The fact is we must bury the past. So, as you start the new year, is it not time to stop carrying the past around your back and in your mind? Refuse to let old memories negotiate a deal with you! Instead, bury them, and do it today!

~ Pastor Turner