Weekly Word: July 15, 2019

Weekly Word: July 15, 2019

Big Vision – Small Steps

Does anyone despise this day of small beginnings? Zach. 4:10

Do you feel there’s a huge gap between your present job or ministry position and your ultimate destination? You say, Yes; I would like to be a Pastor or school teacher, maybe a nurse, but that means going back to school. It would take year’s, and I’d have to switch jobs. Maybe starting a business, but you begin to think of all the risks, sacrifices, and know all the reasons to put it off until the kids grow up. Maybe, maybe, maybe…

How do we overcome the fear of starting? We reach big goals by taking small steps! While it’s tempting to think that the amount of time it will take is too long, those days & years will pass whether you’re pursuing your goal or not! God wants you to heed His call, to show up for duty and leave all the details of how it’s going to happen up to Him. If you’ll do your part He’ll do His. Just trust God and take the first step!

~ Pastor Turner