Weekly Word: Aug. 19, 2019

When You’re Waiting

Wait on the Lord, and keep His way, and He shall exalt thee ~ Ps. 37:34

Waiting is not a waste of time! David was called by God to be Israel’s next King. However, he was hiding in fear of his life and wondering “where is God in all this?” So the question arises, how do we behave in a cave? What do you do in a waiting period?

First, David encouraged himself in the Lord. He reminded himself of God’s faithfulness, and we should too. Abraham built seven altars during his life as memorials to God’s goodness. We should start remembering! Next, David thought of Joseph’s experience; Listened until God’s time finally came, how God tested his patience ~ Ps. 105:19. David learned from Joseph, who are you learning from?

Waiting can be tough, that’s why you fill your cave with praise and thanksgiving. Make your waiting room a praise room! Stay shut in with God, and when the time is right He will come and get you. If He did it for David and Joseph and countless others, He’ll work it out for you too – if we’ll only wait.

~ Pastor Turner