Weekly Word: July 23, 2018

Just What We Need To Hear

Isaiah 50:4 ~ A word in season to Him that is weary

When I am speaking publicly or privately, I ask God for just the right word at the right time for those who may be struggling trying to get through another day. Isaiah said, “The Lord God has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary.”

We have to receive “a word in season” before you can give it to others. Let them know you care and are praying for them until the word comes. Psalms 107:20 says He sent His word and healed them… now you are clean through the word according to John 15:3. Something  special happens when you fall on your knees, open your heart and cry from the depths of your being; Father I need a word today! Do it today and see what happens.

~ Pastor Turner