Weekly Word: May 28, 2018

Weekly Word: June 26

Read Ecclesiastes 10:12 ~

Sometimes gifted people & bossy people can be harsh or unkind without meaning to be. They live by a schedule and get upset when others fail to respect it – but not Jesus. He had the most important job in the world and yet He stopped to talk with children and spent time with them. Sometimes the only people who seem to matter to us are those who help us accomplish our goals; that’s not ambition but selfishness.

Kindness governed Jesus’ words, and He taught His disciples, “listen & love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you.” – Matthew 5:44


You’ll meet people who rub you the wrong way who might look angry even in church settings. Ask Jesus to help you be kind & forgiving. Isn’t that the way you would like to be treated!

~ Pastor Turner